Things to Do When You Are Bored
Go Bowlling
Soap a Fountain
Finger paint
Pull all the tissues out of a box of Kleenxes
Make something out of duct tape
Make shadow puppets
Go Minature Golfing
Watch a movie with the subtitles and on mute so you can say the lines for
the actors
Tp your own house
Watch soap operas in a different language so you can make up the lines for them
Make a fort out of blankets
Stare at the back of someone's head until they turn around
Make a movie
Write a story
Have a tea party
Make a popsicle stick house
Bake something
Play a board game
Make some oragami
Design an outfit
Write a poem or story
Use your mind power(THE FORCE) to try and move a pencil across your desk
Make a website for people who are bored
Learn pig latin
Wax the ceiling
Water your dog…see if he grows
Knight yourself
Play Pat Boone records backwards
DON’T toss and turn
Boil ice cream
Run around in squares
Speak in acronyms
Drink straight shots…of water
Apply for a unicorn hunting license
Paint your windows
Watch a watch until it stops
Sent Yourself a Letter
Paint a smile
Pretend you’re blind
Annoy yourself
Get mad at yourself
Stop speaking to yourself