Mind Games to Relieve Bordeum
Say the color rather than reading the word. If the word blue color is "green" say "green" rather than reading blue. It's a lot harder than you'd think!
See if you can read this jumbles paragraph:
Here are some word jumbled words. See if you can figure out what they say:
Here are some Paradoxes to ponder:
About this best-known paradox wrote a great stoical logician Chrysippos from Solov 29 books and philosopher Filetos even died because of it (seeking for its solution was killing).
A familiar Cretan sails to Greece and says to Greek men, who stand on the waterside: "All Cretans are liars." Did he say the truth or did he lie?
A week later, Cretan was sailing there again and said: "All Cretans are liars and all I say is the truth." Although the Greeks ashore hardly found out, what he said the first time, now they were absolutely puzzled.
If somebody says about himself, that he lies, is it truth or lie?
Lazy-bones Paradox
If destiny designed a master plan, which defines everything that is to happen, isn't it useless to for example go to a doctor? If I am ill and it is my destiny to regain health, than I will regain health whether I visit a doctor or I don't. And if I shall not be healthy again, than I will not with or without help.
If I am ill and destiny has a definite plan for me, than it is useless to go anywhere.
How could you question the presented opinion?
Some Things to Think About
Let's say (hypothetically) there is a bullet, which can shoot through any barrier. Let's say there is also an absolutely bullet-proof armour, and nothing gets through it. What will happen, if such bullet hits such armour?
Can a man drown in the fountain of eternal life?
Your mission is to not accept the mission. Do you accept?
This girl goes into the past and kills her Grandmother. Since her Grandmother is dead the girl was never born, if she was never born she never killed her grandmother and she was born.
If the temperature this morning is 0 degrees and the Weather Channel says, "it will be twice as cold tomorrow,".... What will the temperature be?
Answer truthfully (yes or no) to the following question: Will the next word you say be no?
What happens if you are in a car going the speed of light and you turn your headlights on?
Here are some Optic illusions
A face or a person riding a horse fighting a dragon?
How many legs does this elephant have?
Duck or bunny?
Young or old woman?
Look at the dot and then move your face closer. Move your face back.
Is the picture moving?